Seasons in Bangladesh

Seasons in Bangladesh

Seasons in Bangladesh

Bangladesh experiences three main seasons:

Winter (November to February): During the winter season, the weather is relatively cool and dry. Temperatures can drop to around 10-15 degrees Celsius (50-59 degrees Fahrenheit) in some parts of the country, especially during the night. This season is characterized by clear skies and pleasant weather.

Summer (March to June): The summer season in Bangladesh is hot and humid. Temperatures can soar above 35 degrees Celsius (95 degrees Fahrenheit), and humidity levels are high. This period often sees pre-monsoon thunderstorms, providing some relief from the heat.

Monsoon (June to October): The monsoon season is marked by heavy rainfall and typically begins in June, reaching its peak in July and August. Bangladesh receives a significant amount of rainfall during this time, leading to river floods and inundation in low-lying areas. The temperature remains relatively high, but the rains help cool down the atmosphere. The monsoon is crucial for agriculture, as it contributes to the cultivation of crops such as rice.

These seasons are influenced by the country's tropical climate and proximity to the Bay of Bengal. The monsoon, in particular, plays a crucial role in the agricultural cycle, providing much-needed water for crops. While these are the primary seasons, transitional periods between them may also bring distinct weather patterns. It's important to note that climate change can impact these patterns, leading to variations in temperature and precipitation.

There are Six Seasons In Bangladesh.

In Bangladesh, there are six seasons such as summer, the rainy season, early autumn, late autumn, winter and spring. These seasons come on after another in a regular cycle. Each season has its oen beauty and features. They decorate Bangladesh with special characteristics.

Summer is the first season of the year. It consists of the months of Baishakh and Jaistha. During this period the days are longer than the nights. It is the warmest season of the year. Fruits of different kinds and sizes such as mango, lichi and jackfruit ripen during this season.

After summer comes rain to drench everything on earth. It comprises the months of Ashar and sravan. Due to heavy and continual rains rivers, ponds canals, beels, fields, etc. are full to the brim. We get plenty of fishes in this season. Crops, plants and trees grow rapidly.

The rainy season is followed by the early autumn. It consists of Bhadra and Aswin. In this time the sky gets clear and the moon-light comes with all its sweetness. Then comes the late autumn with dews. It consists of Kartik and agrahayan. It is the harvesting season. It is neither hot nor cold.

Then comes the winter with its fog, mist and cold. It consists of poush and Magh. The sky remains cloudless and looks blue. In this time we get different  kinds of fresh vegetables and it is the season of different kinds of cake, date juice.

Last of all comes the spring. It consists of Falgoon and Chaitra. During this season countless varieties of flowers bloom and make the whole atmosphere delightful with their sweet fragrance. Each season has its own features and characteristics - its special crops, vegetables, fruits and flowers. All these season has have given our motherland an uncommon scenic beauty and novelty

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